Make sure to review all rules and dress code prior to race weekend!
Please review this website for more information. If you cannot find an answer to your question, contact Patti Moore.
The Pre-Entry form will be available April 1st, 2025. Any entries not made before June 6th, 2025 will be subject to a $10 late fee.
The Late-Entry Form will be published on the FORMS tab when the DRAW is posted. Note, after the 6th, there is a time period when you cannot enter so that they DRAW can be done and posted. If you choose not to early entry then you are choosing to wait until the DRAW is posted to enter.
Yes! Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday. Check the Schedule for more details. There are NO Exhibitions on Race Days with the exception of Friday Morning since the race starts at noon.
Yes, read the Rules below carefully, there is both a Dress Code and Hat Fees. For the shirt, you can choose to either wear a collared shirt (sleeveless is fine) or a RWJ race t-shirt from either this year or any of the previous 16 years since it will be so hot this year. Riders not adhering to the Dress Code outlined in the Rules will be automatically disqualified, no exceptions. .
Yes. There are fees and stipulations for each horse or rider change of $50 now. However, trading Draw #s is not allowed. More details in the Rules below.
No. Future Fortunes has switched to an online form. Submit all your paperwork directly to them, we will not collect it anymore. The FF form link is in the "Forms" menu option dropdown. Please note, if you don't submit your complete information to them prior to your run it won't count for FF.
Please use the main facility entrance that has been used for the last year. The south gate is no longer open.
Yes definitely, you can't race without it. Must have a current Coggins dated in the last 12 months. more details in the Rules below.
Parking will be inside facility fencing behind gates. Day parkers Do Not have to park in outside parking area.
There is a concession stand inside the arena, and there are several restaurants in Texarkana that will no doubt appreciate your business!
Yes there is an ATM onsite at the back of the arena. We have no control over its functionality.
No, we do not provide refunds for drawing out - more details in the Rules below.
For RVs and Stalls, YES~! go to the stall office. For the race, not necessary to check-in. More details in the Rules below. Fun fact: Each racer gets a t-shirt so come see us at the volunteer table near the entry office. Sizes aren't guaranteed, first come-first serve.
YES~You know it! Our awesome vendors usually have their booths set up and ready to go well before Friday, but be sure to walk the loop around the arena under the stands to check out all the cool clothes, jewelry, leather goods, tack goods, artisanal and handmade items, pet and equine suppliers, and more!
No. KK Run for Vegas is a separate race so we do not do entries for that. Please look at for online entry for The times do however carry over to our Friday Open Race. If you wish to purchase incentives for your 12 & under rider you will need to pay for those.
When the draw is posted, click on the draw page and scroll thru each day and check your Incentives to make sure your name is listed. If not please let us know.
Just kidding... We can't wait to see y'all!
Coggins- No Exceptions
All horses must have a CURRENT COGGINS paper dated within the last 12 months. Coggins will be checked and no exceptions will be made.
Exhibitions start Tuesday and run through Friday Morning. Check the schedule and the flyer for more details.
Note: Thursday’s exhibitions end at 6:30 pm, 7 pm will be the Run For Vegas Youth Barrel Race. Contestants running in the KK Run For Vegas must enter from their website since it is a separate race.
Friday is it's own race and will have will have $1000 Added. Saturday is one race and will have $5000 Added and Future Fortunes $50,000, Sunday is one race and will have $5000 Added. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Open races will be 5-D with 1/2 second split.
Payout Schedule
BBR Payout percentage between D's. 80% Payback of entry fees and 100% of added money.
Tie for Prizes: If any contestant's times are tied, the prize money will be split equally.
Entries - No Exceptions
All Pre-entries will be a random draw.
Online Entry is the only method of Pre-Entry for 2024 and is also available for late entries up to the last 100 riders of the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Thank you! Note: The confirmation page when you do online entry is your receipt and confirmation that you are entered. Note, FUTURE FORTUNES horses will need to run in the Saturday Open for FF Inc.
Late Entries
All entries not submitted online before June 5 ,2024 will be subject to a $10 late fee per day per person.
Special Requests
If you have a special request regarding your pre-entry, please submit with your online entry in the space provided on the online entry form. The Entry Office will attempt to meet special request. HOWEVER, NO GUARANTEES CAN BE MADE THAT YOUR REQUEST WILL BE MET.
Onsite Entries
Walk-ups at the registration table will still be accepted. On Site Entry-Books will stay open until the last 100 riders of the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Credit Card or CASH ONLY ACCEPTED ON SITE. Note: if you use a credit card you'll have to enter at the registration table then go pay at the stall office since that's where the credit card machine is, and then provide verification back at the registration table. There is an ATM onsite at the fairgrounds but please note that the barrel race doesn't manage the ATM machine and can therefore not guarantee it will work. You can always enter online on your phone.....
The Draw will be posted on the Runnin' WJ Barrel Race website. It will also be posted at the event on the stapled boards near the entry table. Any entries not submitted by the date above will be added to the end of the draw. Attempts will be made to have an adequate number of horses between each rider's additional horses, but keep in mind that is harder to do if you don't enter well in advance. Draw numbers for On-Site entries will be drawn by Office Staff.
Drawing Out
No refunds will be awarded.
Horse Substitution & Rider Change Fees
In 2023, the rules changed for horse substitutions and rider changes. You may substitute one horse for another for $50 for each instance and/or change riders for a $50 rider change fee per instance. However, you may not switch draw positions. The entry office must be informed of all horse or rider substitutions in advance of the race date morning. Any changes must be submitted by 9 pm the previous day. There will be no changes accepted the day of the race. No exceptions.
Main Races; 5D Format
There are three main races (Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be ran in a 5-D format with 1/2 second splits. 1D= fastest time of the race, 2D= fastest time of the race plus ,5 second, 3D= fastest time of the race plus 1.0 second, 4D= fastest time of the race plus 1.5 seconds, 5D = fastest time of the race plus 2.0 seconds.
Incentive Races
Entry into Incentive Races is purely optional. All of the Incentive Races are within "Main Barrel Races" (Friday, Saturday and Sunday ). Each horse and rider combination makes one run that counts toward each day's main race and each day's incentive races that you have entered for that particular horse and rider combination. Incentives may be Pre-entered or entered on-site. The Incentive Races offers are described below. PROOF OF AGE MAY BE REQUESTED.
Rider Age Incentives:
These will each be paid in a 4-D format with 1/2, 1/2, 1 second splits. $25 Entry Fees.
Incentives $200 Added per age group for ( Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and can be purchased for $25 extra:
* All Incentives must run in the Open 5D race for your time to roll over into your chosen sidepot.
FUTURE FORTUNES $50,000 Added Regional Finals Inc. for the Saturday Race. Future Fortunes contestants must have a copy of registration papers and filled out FF form submitted to FF online prior to the run for horse to be entered into this Incentive. Future Fortunes will payout $$$$s.
Payouts & Requirements
In order to receive your money , your entry forms must be COMPLETE with name, full address and phone number. You will also be required to fill out forms requiring your Social Security Number for tax purposes only. Any monies not picked up at the barrel race will be mailed on the Wednesday after the race..
Upon arrival, you should check into your stalls and RVs at the Stall Office. No official Check-In for the race itself is necessary. However, you are encouraged to check the Draw at the race. If the Entry Office needs to see you, it will be noted on the Draw, and then you must see the Entry Office before your first run.
Stalls & RVs
Stalls and RV spaces may be reserved on the Pre-Entry form, but you still check in with the Stall RV office when you get there. It's in the little portable building just outside the arena on the right, across from the main warmup.
You may check into your stalls and RVs on Tuesday after 1 pm. Your horse must be removed from its stall (and your RV/trailer from its RV space) by Noon on the following day if you do not have that space reserved for the next night. If you have a Slide out or Awning that takes up two spaces, you will be charged for two spaces.
Stalls will be available at $35 per night. Shaving will be available for sale on-site at $6 bag, you can write in and pay for shavings on pre-entry form if you like at $6 per bag. Shavings will be in your stalls if you do this when you arrive. No outside shavings are allowed. No portable panels or tying out will be allowed overnight if stalls are available. RV spaces are available at $35 per night.
NOTE: All Stalls and RV spaces are pre-assigned. If you would like to be stalled or parked in a group, we ask that ONE PERSON reserves all of the stalls and RV spaces or all pre-entries/pre-reservations. Otherwise, your requests may not be met.
You are not allowed to occupy a stall that you have not reserved. There are not discounts on stalls for day use- these are Fairgrounds rules. Violations of this lead to disqualification and bans from participating in future RWJ races.
Selling your runs or Stalls/RV spots is NOT ALLOWED through individuals. Rules changed in 2023 and thus Contestants are not allowed to sell their runs or stalls/RV spots to other racers. If you have pre-reserved stalls or RV spots and are unable to attend, please contact the Stall/RV office to see if they are able to resell and refund. Friendly reminder: there are NO REFUNDS for your runs/race entries.
Please also be aware of scammers and therefore do not try to buy "runs" or "stalls" from anyone other than the official process provided by the barrel race to you. Online scammers are real, and engaging with them will only result in heartbreak.
Time is allotted on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning for Exhibitions. Exhibitions may ONLY be purchased on-site and there is a sign up sheet with time slots at the entry desk. See schedule for details. There are no Exhibitions available on Saturday or Sunday's races.
Open Arena/Church Services
The arena will be open during the horseback Church Service on Sunday Morning 7:30 am. However, no barrels, cones, etc., will be allowed in the arena at this time. Also, no work on or around the barrel stakes will be permitted.
Dress Code
All contestants must wear a COLLARED SHIRT (can be sleeveless) OR THIS YEAR ONLY SINCE IT WILL BE SO HOT YOU CAN ALSO WEAR A RWJ RACE T-SHIRT FROM EITHER THIS YEAR OR ANY OF THE PREVIOUS 16 YEARS, Long pants, Western Hat or Helmet, and cowboy boots or equestrian sports shoes. Caps are not permitted. Any contestant not in dress code at the time of their run in the arena will be an automatic disqualification, no exceptions. If your hat falls off in the alleyway/arena you will be assessed a $10 fine. This fine must be paid before receiving any payout, making another run, or retrieving a fallen hat.
All contestants, family members, and companions are expected to display good sportsmanship. No level of animal abuse will be allowed. Misconduct is grounds for disqualification or removal from the premises without refund of entry fees.
All dogs must be on a leash and may not be in the warm up area or in the horse entrance area to the main arena. Please make every effort to abide by this, it is scary when dogs run into the main arena and we cannot protect you or your off leash pets or the horses and riders when this rule is broken.
There shall be no selling of any type of merchandise or professional service on the arena grounds, in stalls, or at trailers without a vendor contract with the Entry Office.
Must be READY!!!!
Contestants MUST check in with the Gate Man in the holding pen 5 contestants before their run, there is one gate to enter the arena and one exit out of the back. No entry allowed from the back or your run will be disqualified. The calls of the Gate Man are the official call to the contestant. Contestant's name will be called by the Gate Man three times. If the contestant has not identified himself/herself to the Gate Man by the third call they will be disqualified. The three official calls come from the Gate Man, not the Announcer.
No Time
A No Time will be given if the contestant circles inside the arena, does not complete the correct pattern, runs out of turn, knocks over a barrel (even if it is knocked onto its side and sets up again on either end), if contestant falls off during a run, or if the contestant cannot get the horse into the arena within 60 seconds from the Gate Man's call.
Honest Effort
Each Contestant must make an honest effort to complete his/her run in the fastest manner possible without endangering the horse or rider. Contestants are asked to exit the arena quickly and promptly.
Family Rules
Contestants may ride any horse, regardless of ownership. However, a horse may not be shown by more than one person in a particular race, unless both contestants are immediate family members who reside in the same household.
Horses in the Arena
Only one horse will be allowed in the arena or alleyway at any time.
Two electric timers will be used. However, if the official and backup timers fail to work properly (unless a barrel has been knocked over) result in a no-time, a re-run will be granted immediately at the end of the next group of 50 with a fresh drag, or at the end of the event with a fresh drag at the contestant's discretion . The rider must declare if he/she will accept a re-run before the next horse runs.
Code of Conduct
Only horse and rider are allowed in the arena during the run. Parents and trainers are allowed to assist their children in the alley. But they will NOT be allowed to cross the plane of the mouth of the alley and enter into the arena. Failure to comply will result in a NO TIME (disqualification).