Enter online using a credit card. Save a copy of the confirmation page you see when your transaction is completed; you will not receive an email confirmation unless you check the box.
$50 per horse/rider combo
Office Charge $10 per day
All entries not received before June 5th, 2024 will be subject to a $10 late fee.
Stalls $35 per night RVs $35 per night Shavings $6 each bag.
Stall and RV information will be given to you at the arena entrance gate (coggins check station) when you come in if you have pre-paid for them. If you have not pre-paid please check in at the Stall/RV office and the girls will give your information at that time after payment. Cash and credit card are available thru the Stall/RV office for your fees over the weekend.
Incentive Fees $25 per rider/horse combination
Youth 12 years & under
Adult 13-59 years
GGs 60+ years
Each sidepot has $200 Added per Race.
2024 Future Fortunes will have a $50,000 Added Regional Finals Inc. included for Saturday's race. You must fill out your Future Fortunes Paperwork online (this is their website and they do online only now) prior to your run on Saturday June 15th or it doesn't count.